Creating A Booking

How To Create A Booking On Fidia

1. Click/Tap on "Bookings"

2. Click/Tap on "New Listing"

3. Enter The Name of listing

4. Enter The Booking Description

5. Select Google Meet As Session Location

Connect your Google calendar and enable auto-scheduled meetings.

6. Select Virtual As Your Preferred Session Location

Enter a link to where your call will happen.

7. Select Physical Address As Your Preferred Session Location

Search for a location on google maps and enter once you are done.

8. Select Session Duration

9. Add Bookings Slot To Get Started

10. Select A Day Of The Week

11. Select The Start Time For Your Business

12. Select The End Time

13. Click/Tap On "Add" To Finish Adding Slot

14. Select Your Preferred Date Range

You can set up the slots to be scheduled indefinitely into the future or limit them to fixed date range.

15. Click "Select Date"

16. Select Your Preferred Timezone

17. Select Pricing Tier

18. Click/Tap On "Publish" To Finish

Last updated